Salutations, Leaked Databases Community.
I've just made the Fotostrana.ru Russian Dating Site Database available for download.
Thanks for any comment, and have fun!
A Russian dating site experienced a data breach on October 10, 2021. As a result, the information of around 800.000 users was publicly accessible. Emails, usernames, hashes, IP addresses, and other data were leaked.
Password: leakeddatabases.com
Source: fotostrana.ru
Amount: 800k lines
File Formatting: Text Document (.txt)
"user_id" "user_name" "user_pagename" "user_phone" "user_phone_approved" "user_sex" "user_photo_id" "user_inserted" "user_updated" "user_email" "user_password" "user_email_approved" "user_ip" "user_id_from" "user_is_hidden" "user_is_volunteer" "user_source" "user_source_result" "user_not_activated" "user_country_id" "user_city_id" "user_birthday" "user_ref_id" "user_galleries" "user_bans" "user_warn" "user_cash" "user_class" "time_in" "time_out" "user_pet_id" "password_hash" "user_identity_approved" "user_mail" "user_region_id" "user_native_domain" "user_show_status" "user_payable" "user_lastname" "user_lastname_show" "vip_end" "user_projects_usage" "user_vk_id" "user_mailru_id" "user_ok_id" "user_fb_id" "user_foto_ext" "spam_settings" "confirm_date" "has_mobile_app" "spam_mask" "online_mask" "last_online_src" "visit_mask" "visit_time" "user_avatar_id" "dating_photo_id" "user_returned" "vip_level" "prop_mask" "max_pay_group" "first_cash_in" "always_online_status"
"79443986" "Сафиуллина" "" "w" "-1" "2014-11-23 20:10:29" "2014-11-23 20:10:29" "safiullina.diana.1975@mail.ru" "$2y$04$VyWkWnb5q.BU2Xlna2YQ9.8i/.yXbI3TYar1jIdgv4/B7yY7gmlGq" "" "0" "0" "sp_15287" "1" "1" "1644" "1975-07-17" "249729839" "0" "1417270309" "1417271558" "" "0" "0" "3" "0" "0" "0" "Диана" "0" "0" "0" "18363825349738425802" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:29" "0" "0" "0" "1" "65" "1417270260" "0" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443987" "Елена" "" "0" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:37" "2014-11-23 22:06:07" "ewparfenowa@mail.ru" "$2y$04$q80b/psBTT7tL1xGgRsM8.Dfm4Jq5YqNIXDSPkFWe7RTlvDIAHH2q" "" "0" "0" "sp_5209" "1" "1" "5" "1974-06-03" "249729839" "13" "0" "1427685700" "1427686604" "25947791" "" "0" "0" "54" "0" "0" "0" "Парфенова" "1" "0" "47873545" "0" "0" "0" "2313354751" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:42" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1377911939" "1427685660" "2313354748" "0" "0" "8" "8" "0" "0"
"79443988" "Даша" "" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:38" "2014-11-23 20:10:39" "da6un4ik_89@mail.ru" "$2y$04$2N8OI4SH7r/gnLw3BuwoeeUY2JEKN3RMZyaO.z04al731GW69.5NO" "1" "" "0" "0" "sp_5209" "1" "3" "465" "1989-12-10" "249729839" "1" "0" "1543303713" "1543304620" "" "0" "0" "110" "0" "0" "0" "Матвеева" "0" "0" "17946164" "1214920063969688954" "0" "0" "2313287691" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:40" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1" "1543303680" "2313287686" "0" "2018-10-06 08:28:13" "0" "32" "8" "0" "0"
"79443990" "Любовь" "" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:49" "2014-11-23 20:11:21" "just.send.me7@rambler.ru" "$2y$04$p52M52euP.kQk3j.P3Yj7us9ck083cnxPLeFvxNgxxR5phZ7..qT6" "" "0" "2" "1400" "sp_2835" "1" "12" "809" "1969-03-15" "221926009" "5" "1" "0" "1416771293" "1416772206" "" "0" "0" "119" "22" "0" "0" "" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2313288071" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:16" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1" "1416762600" "2313288064" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443991" "МиЛаХа" "9204504852" "0" "w" "-1" "2014-11-23 20:10:50" "2014-11-27 13:21:12" "igorek1506@mail.ru" "$2y$04$GvOUo4jJuhfqWGJ/eyN2mOeFoxCNy1PTNGF34I1Jzbpu0/brcED7O" "" "0" "183" "sp_5095" "1" "1" "61" "1993-05-03" "322136203" "0" "0" "1417188057" "1417188963" "" "0" "0" "39" "0" "2" "0" "" "1" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:59" "0" "0" "0" "1" "63" "1417186800" "2314951369" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443992" "Ирина" "" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:51" "2014-11-23 20:11:43" "dimidrol50d@rambler.ru" "$2y$04$zPASjFXG3FxfgA9igb5A.O7.OE/DbPBtBNYIIIxPrpT9NpCX8Dbl2" "" "0" "2" "1400" "sp_2835" "1" "37" "304" "1984-07-24" "221926009" "4" "1" "0" "1416771272" "1416772179" "" "0" "0" "142" "22" "0" "0" "" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2313288277" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:34" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1" "1416762600" "2313288273" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443993" "Ленарчик" "79670310514" "1" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:53" "2014-11-23 20:11:04" "lenarchik1992@mail.ru" "$2y$04$AOn8lmTy8U0V6GH5cZxYxuq8y12doOhQF3HsAENdeP9ZwRsZZhT.2" "1" "" "0" "1172" "sp_5330" "1" "1" "1" "1992-01-04" "221926009" "1" "10" "1416762854" "1416880815" "" "0" "0" "77" "24" "1" "0" "Тимербулатова" "1" "0" "102292510" "0" "0" "0" "2313287909" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:05" "1" "9223372036854775807" "0" "1" "1" "1416762660" "2313287905" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443994" "Нана" "" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:10:58" "2014-11-23 20:11:25" "lineage222sleepe@rambler.ru" "$2y$04$TvtGQJYaWdS76UVXostb1ONf1ZEY5QgMUarkWgVjfmPvpe.hQJWvi" "" "0" "2" "1400" "sp_2835" "1" "34" "5355944" "1991-03-30" "221926009" "7" "1" "0" "1416771235" "1416772145" "" "0" "0" "139" "22" "0" "0" "" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2313288100" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:22" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1" "1416762600" "2313288094" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443996" "Павел" "" "m" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:05" "2014-11-23 20:11:05" "hudoy84@mail.ru" "$2y$04$UDjTV0qf9Lu24gOxpw0hse/8DekO0GtOoGQDeH1vIRYuBI4engUq2" "1" "" "0" "0" "sp_15985" "1" "1" "87" "1984-02-20" "249729839" "1" "0" "1515852695" "1515854165" "" "0" "0" "38" "0" "0" "0" "Худяков" "0" "0" "8487020" "2028428284216483586" "0" "0" "2313287931" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:07" "0" "9223372036854775807" "0" "1" "1" "1515852660" "2313287921" "0" "2018-01-13 17:12:13" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443997" "Вероника" "" "w" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:05" "2014-11-23 20:11:34" "maestro-vtyzr@rambler.ru" "$2y$04$2f4hu0dSjNjxyBN7BCJ6fO/h5qtCKPEwNPtcwQSDVIc.p7P6HS2iC" "" "0" "2" "1400" "sp_2835" "1" "32" "233" "1990-11-21" "221926009" "5" "1" "0" "1416771272" "1416772179" "" "0" "0" "137" "22" "0" "0" "" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2313288202" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:32" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1" "1416762660" "2313288197" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79443998" "МАЛИКА" "" "0" "w" "3" "2014-11-23 20:11:12" "2014-11-23 20:12:44" "MALIKA.ALYAROVA.2002@MAIL.RU" "$2y$04$xM/kEDKkkRpWzHCBF0DhEOhnH6HamWe3fL2JsIIhSQJvdKhPfGpTe" "1" "" "0" "182" "sp_1012" "1" "1" "71" "2002-11-23" "249729839" "0" "1416903171" "1416904476" "25939921" "" "0" "0" "5" "0" "0" "0" "" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "2313288837" "0" "2014-11-23 20:12:20" "0" "0" "0" "1" "7" "1416903120" "2313288833" "0" "0" "8" "8" "0" "0"
"79443999" "Антон" "" "m" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:15" "2014-11-23 20:11:16" "anton10.10@tut.by" "$2y$04$l2h0/X90nDfzrq4Ga7lXNuvci7DpoFUBuUdEzeR52OCnx7XNtRc7K" "" "0" "0" "sp_15285" "1" "4" "43" "1991-10-10" "249729839" "1" "0" "1416762675" "1416763594" "" "0" "0" "111" "0" "0" "0" "Валентинович" "0" "0" "118235679" "0" "0" "0" "2313288024" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:17" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1" "1416762660" "2313288016" "0" "0" "0" "8" "0" "0"
"79444000" "Алексей" "" "0" "m" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:15" "2014-11-23 20:12:33" "monsssster@mail.ru" "$2y$04$cvtL/ppezJks.nSd3mcFheKetRSk8DBPKQmVgrIhalsaT5gLTX7xi" "" "0" "0" "sp_15285" "1" "1" "473" "1992-11-05" "249729839" "10" "0" "1480559347" "1480559531" "" "0" "0" "73" "0" "0" "0" "Ханевич" "0" "0" "86919302" "0" "0" "0" "2313288720" "0" "2014-11-23 20:11:17" "0" "0" "0" "64" "7" "1480559340" "2313288708" "0" "2016-11-29 17:26:47" "0" "8" "8" "0" "0"