On the 31th of March, 2019 the DDos-For-Hire, network stressing service called Criticalsecurity had its database dumped by a third-party, which eventually was leaked on RaidForums, affecting around 2 thousand users including attack logs and similar.
I don't need your credits. Feel free to download yourself a copy!
Archive passwd [ rGUo6XCT#ehm%4 ]
-- Dumping data for table `api`
INSERT INTO `api` (`id`, `name`, `api`, `slots`, `methods`) VALUES
(1059, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1060, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1043, 'l4', 'https://defconpro.io/api.php?ip=[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]&key=already+test12', 3, 'WOLF NTP DNS XMAS GERNADE HTTP-GET HTTP-POST HTTP-NULL HTTP-HEAD HTTP-CRASH'),
(1044, 'l4', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'NTP UDPSTORM TCP-RST NTP CHARGEN OVH GRENADE CHARGEN'),
(1045, 'l4', 'https://nuke.gg/api/test?target=[ho...g&duration=[time]&method=[method]&port=[port]', 3, 'UDP TCPBYPASS STD ACK UDPPlain OVH'),
(1047, 'l7', 'https://nuke.gg/api/test?target=[ho...g&duration=[time]&method=[method]&port=[port]', 3, 'BLAZINGFAST CLOUDFLARE NOODER DDOS-GUARD'),
(1048, 'l4', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1049, 'l4', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1051, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1052, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1053, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1054, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1038, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 3, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http'),
(1041, 'l7', ']&time=[time]&method=[method]&port=[port]', 2, 'HTTP-FLOOD CLOUDFLARE CLOUDFLARE-UAM DDOS-GUARD GHOST GATE-HOST NOODER'),
(1042, 'l7', ']&time=[time]&method=[method]&port=[port]', 1, 'FROSTBYTE BLAZINGFAST BYPASS-DIRECT BYPASS-PROXY RYZE'),
(1036, 'l7', '[host]&port=[port]&time=[time]&method=[method]', 1, 'CLOUDFLARE jsbypass-get jsbypass-post jsbypass-head http');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`scode` text NOT NULL,
`rank` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`membership` int(11) NOT NULL,
`expire` int(11) NOT NULL,
`status` varchar(1000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
`referral` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`referralbalance` int(3) NOT NULL,
`testattack` int(1) NOT NULL,
`avip` int(11) NOT NULL
-- Dumping data for table `users`
INSERT INTO `users` (`ID`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `scode`, `rank`, `membership`, `expire`, `status`, `referral`, `referralbalance`, `testattack`, `avip`) VALUES
(260, 'test', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'ewhgufweu@gmail.com', '', 0, 0, 0, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(261, 'Ddosarmor', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'test@test.com', '', 0, 0, 2147483647, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(267, 'fewef', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'ffihwyh@gmail.com', '', 0, 0, 0, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(263, 'abcd', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'abcd@gmail.com', '', 0, 0, 0, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(264, 'TestUser36', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'matthewcodes@outlook.com', '', 0, 0, 0, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(265, 'Ddosme', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'ddosme@gmail.com', '', 0, 0, 0, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(266, 'cuhh', '57e10dc349c9426bec91cad8a8e686952a1bfbd5', 'fkfmujn@gmail.com', '', 0, 0, 1547260787, '0', '', 0, 0, 0),
(1, 'name', '4667cc4847db625a801676ad7deb8f2bdf495261', 'lyy.lol2017@protonmail.com', '1234', 1, 94, 2147483647, '0', '0', 0, 0, 0),
I don't need your credits. Feel free to download yourself a copy!
Archive passwd [ rGUo6XCT#ehm%4 ]