Hello, Verified Database Network!
Thanks for checking us out, and have fun downloading Gaming website Unigame Dump, we just released!
In approximately December 2019, the Gaming website Unigame (Now defunct) suffered a data breach that impacted 851k users. The leak led to the exposure of data including Email addresses and Passwords stored as Salted MD5 hashes. The website was breached by @donjuji.
Password: leakeddatabases.com
Source: Unigame.me
Amount: 851k lines
File Formatting: SQL
INSERT INTO `uc_user` (`uc_user_id`, `email`, `nick_name`, `password`, `salt`, `reg_ip`, `create_time`, `update_time`, `email_status`, `status`) VALUES
(15688, '123@qq.com', '', '752ca626147f35e5b6908eb4f18b8a23', '7787e7', '', 1491355671, 1491355671, 0, 1),
(15689, '1181024581@qq.com', '', '12ffa70fc0212060b0ed0008cf8b3648', '341801', '', 1491362787, 1491362787, 0, 1),
(15690, 'zaxn1992@126.com', '', 'd2a30ff17c3f2d7e739a8f25c76b7c36', 'dec5b3', '', 1491370685, 1491370685, 0, 1),
(15691, 'tu2017040601@163.com', '', '0d84ce4af375958ccdd5b1d3ca1bbf5f', '54604b', '', 1491445013, 1491445013, 0, 1),
(15692, 'tu2017040602@163.com', '', '8c7b5f827e69a3505029553da869c2e9', '98e78c', '', 1491446169, 1502181484, 0, 1),
(15693, 'wqreq2ew@89.com', '', '866012a45f26f92ae211d1f40ed36951', '78d1c3', '', 1491547527, 1491547527, 0, 1),
(15694, 'verakk@gmail.com', '', '71638745f43d1ee4eea795535156c51a', 'b33135', '', 1491549323, 1491549323, 0, 1),
(15695, 'zawer@78.com', '', '7f0da0bc3d86fa397de0c4dc067d3710', '99043b', '', 1491549753, 1491549753, 0, 1),
(15696, 'alvin.zhang.global@gmail.com', '', 'e096a668af2841a15e4849ee26413ce3', '53cd53', '', 1491553029, 1491553029, 0, 1),
(15697, 'qwww@123.com', '', '119b938659a499a429242c8dba7cc1a4', '6758b2', '', 1491553686, 1491553686, 0, 1),
(15698, 'Paulcarloszuniga@gmail.com', '', 'fbdb7ab10c4a4b2701463a6957c8671c', '9dfa7c', '', 1491576937, 1491576937, 0, 1),
(15699, 'kookoo_1970@yahoo.com', '', 'aa238d6dbeccbb87dee77b12d0363793', 'e10882', '', 1491618622, 1491618622, 0, 1),
(15700, 'thekatieice@gmail.com', '', '4093bfabf5ea03d53efd9f60bdb5d821', '0a5106', '', 1491800944, 1491800944, 0, 1),
(15701, 'sohamchitnisus@gmail.com', '', 'fb28a555e9899a1a96e22592f1d0fb2b', 'd2c7a3', '', 1491801069, 1491801069, 0, 1),
(15702, 'dudot_akosi@yahoo.com', '', 'd076f1448460d063debb0ebb05da93db', '8533ef', '', 1491801144, 1491801144, 0, 1),
(15703, 'bobfoster50@gmail.com', '', '4f9d2c0b29689a76684557b4b36e8e32', '52c875', '', 1491801173, 1491801173, 0, 1),
(15704, 'juanma7744@hotmail.com', '', '08260347840f7ab6257e12e41e2c7c61', '002e26', '', 1491801184, 1491801184, 0, 1),
(15705, 'jc454024@gmail.com', '', '18eca29a7f23a9af8053c3ae96eecff9', '39bf38', '', 1491801187, 1491801187, 0, 1),
(15706, 'marckreyes719@gmail.com', '', '0e0e2c688253b5ce98482cf3e406b27d', '28e2cf', '', 1491801282, 1491801282, 0, 1),
(15707, 'nguyenhaidang1234539@gmail.com', '', '99768b46fef928fe8bba3dc542da7bc2', 'd4f9b5', '', 1491801293, 1491801293, 0, 1),
(15708, 'maxinemangubat@yahoo.com', '', 'f64a153c23ab08d7e3f538504b6c93cf', '3ddec0', '', 1491801395, 1491801395, 0, 1),
(15709, 'jonicung17@gmail.com', '', 'a6bddd4285837ac3c280ffcf778f7a5e', 'c0fc74', '', 1491801420, 1491801420, 0, 1),
(15710, 'emronman@gmail.com', '', '639928c5b2e2108733906a4ba4224f28', '0dcb6b', '', 1491801424, 1491801424, 0, 1),
(15711, 'jediaelrendon75@gmail.com', '', 'b91500530a1213fd6ac3ccfa842bec10', '36ded3', '', 1491801475, 1491801475, 0, 1),
(15712, 'kizerkiller@gmail.com', '', '02a89f8bb0675f7b118863313e7dfea4', 'b03c70', '', 1491801499, 1491801499, 0, 1),
(15713, 'an.avnmart@gmail.com', '', 'b0d81e02e5c9b8dc194ff45622b0de31', 'dcce96', '', 1491801533, 1491801533, 0, 1),
(15714, 'panorama.hop@hotmail.cl', '', '1344dbc418d42c3bfd25d11f30881e1c', '62a054', '', 1491801542, 1491801542, 0, 1),
(15715, 'elire24@hotmail.com', '', 'df4bf98f81b5d3a9d7374cc3c91193b1', '9714ef', '', 1491801625, 1491801625, 0, 1),