NextCash Start Making Money Database Dump Leaked Download!

Official Datasets NextCash Start Making Money Database Dump Leaked Download! Dump Date: 2022


Salutations, Leaked Databases Community.

I've just made the NextCash – Start Making Money from Home Database available for download.
Thanks for any comment, and have fun!

A data breach that affected 525k users of the NextCash, a site that lets you earn money with social media breached happened in around 2022.


Amount: 525k lines
File Formatting: SQL File (.sql)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`id`, `ip`, `username`, `fullname`, `email`, `password`, `referrals_count`, `task_completed`, `total_earning`, `total_paid`, `payment_method`, `payment_address`, `referrer_by`, `date_registered`, `clicks_count`) VALUES​

(476480, '', 'Crown22', 'Chris', '', 'duke2020', 5, 1, '319.00', '0.00', 'Mailed Check', 'Agu marry Ijeoma', 'Technome', '2021-01-23 09:19:33', 112),
(476481, '', 'Jeerare78', 'Jee rare', '', 'saratu7878', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'junior7878', '2021-01-23 09:21:39', 0),
(476482, '', 'Olaide faidat11', 'Salaudeen faidat', '', 'adejoke', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-01-23 09:21:50', 0),
(476483, '', 'Zeey ', 'Zainab Auwal ', '', '681370', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-01-23 09:24:47', 0),
(476484, '', 'Mtruth', 'Moses john ', '', 'mtruth2375', 1, 0, '39.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Olabrainz', '2021-01-23 09:36:18', 2),
(476485, '', 'Samcy', 'SanusiSani', '', '6140', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Jesusj', '2021-01-23 09:42:09', 0),
(476486, '', 'Mary177', 'Adebayo Mary odunayo', '', 'ademary1205', 9, 0, '163.00', '0.00', 'Paypal', 'Adebayo', '', '2021-01-23 09:42:10', 24),
(476487, '', 'benoitakate', 'Akate mikizani', '', 'benoit16', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-01-23 09:42:47', 0),
(476488, '', 'Sanfauze', 'Muhammadu ', '', '6140', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Jesusj', '2021-01-23 09:45:24', 0),
(476489, '', 'Anastasiu', 'Anastasiu', '', 'anastasiu070', 3, 0, '73.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Jesusj', '2021-01-23 09:47:04', 9),
(476490, '', 'Nassimath', 'Nassimath bachabi', '', '565657', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Naahid', '2021-01-23 09:47:30', 0),
(476491, '', 'khaleepha66', 'Adam Suleiman', '', '09028539045', 22, 0, '263.00', '0.00', 'Paypal', 'Gtc soba, Bele rd, Zaria 800001, KADUNA STATE', 'hamzasurajadam', '2021-01-23 09:49:43', 9),
(476492, '', 'Suliat omowunmi', 'Apalowo', '', 'adedayomi', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', 'Cash App', '$bella5030', 'olamide5909', '2021-01-23 09:55:10', 0),
(476493, '', 'Sagiru', 'Abdulmajid', '', '$$$$$', 0, 0, '33.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'khaleepha66', '2021-01-23 09:58:37', 4),
(476494, '', 'Mai gwale ', 'Isa Abdulkadir magashi ', '', '08062232', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-01-23 10:00:44', 0),
(476495, '', 'Khaleeferh', 'Abdullahi Ismail', '', '32659800', 0, 0, '29.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Abber', '2021-01-23 10:12:38', 2),
(476496, '', 'Jamilusuleiman', 'Jamilu', '', '07030443916', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-01-23 10:14:42', 0),
(476497, '', 'Karaye07', 'Karaye ne fa', '', '119955', 0, 0, '27.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Mai', '2021-01-23 10:22:49', 1),
(476498, '', 'Mosestom', 'Jamilu Ahmadu', '', 'musas', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'khaleepha66', '2021-01-23 10:24:06', 0),
(476499, '', 'Bashow1', 'Bashir Aliyu ', '', 'Bashnan', 7, 2, '187.00', '0.00', 'Bitcoin', '3Qr1AFWs7SwZKogesXJzoVb2ahmzgLnD3j', 'Bashar1234', '2021-01-23 10:28:12', 26),
(476500, '', 'ibrahim19', 'ibrahim sabo aliyu', '', 'ibrahim@19', 0, 0, '25.00', '0.00', NULL, NULL, 'Ganima19', '2021-01-23 10:28:54', 0),​
(726, 'PERILO ', '233.00', 'Paypal', '', 'nU72rDoFbKklnVqIDBZ5Zv4vv', '2020-03-20 12:06:21', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(727, 'kuuhaku20', '238.00', 'Paypal', ' ', 'DGCxWqLNx1uRiPbyaJMgNAamu', '2020-03-20 12:16:22', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(728, 'EYP001', '338.00', 'Paypal', '', 'A1tvhVt74Da6RMC60EcvNGhgF', '2020-03-20 12:42:35', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(729, 'Vei123', '200.00', 'Paypal', '', 'LU7pc6dBVXFpeKsmgTp4hWWmg', '2020-03-20 12:52:36', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(730, 'Markosrst', '350.00', 'Paypal', ' ', '1gzpeIBIo0DBGto9XmnuX4Epc', '2020-03-20 13:18:22', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(731, 'Nunzi', '277.00', 'Paypal', ' ', 'dsh3iQB2IwBFk81hg0RKPbcrS', '2020-03-20 13:46:15', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(732, 'levitry13', '247.00', 'Paypal', '', 'Zu7tDmUmGiZuEEE2wXRSGS1u0', '2020-03-20 14:01:37', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(733, 'Liazo', '255.00', 'Paypal', 'Rua amapa 29 Lagamar MG', 'dafuyY60iO5g3QiGOWdIQGCCG', '2020-03-20 14:04:17', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(734, 'AEDO85', '421.00', 'Paypal', '', 'AzUGgDddS5ftjar2waHCjwsey', '2020-03-20 15:00:51', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(735, 'Caldas', '345.00', 'Paypal', '', 'wkcenWe4UmOnAUr4ptSe57AmH', '2020-03-20 15:24:02', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(736, 'Renatynhop8', '270.00', 'Paypal', '', 'm0RjUW97PpUOZB5KTt9evRZFA', '2020-03-20 15:37:57', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(737, 'Hellen23', '200.00', 'Paypal', '', 'IIe3aZzpSDleOQSjGywoMrIK0', '2020-03-20 15:39:48', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(738, 'Jean1507', '248.00', 'Paypal', '', 'BjING5v2k5XeZfYNouiB98kkz', '2020-03-20 15:39:57', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(739, 'Drikaconceicao', '353.00', 'Paypal', '', 'ne85q8rouP6XqTytGxYE83EuN', '2020-03-20 15:54:32', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(740, 'Nather', '583.00', 'Paypal', '', 'eFopDzitVGy1BqdRWvOyB2vUm', '2020-03-20 15:55:07', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(741, 'Wthallem', '271.00', 'Paypal', '', 'G8PtNIwnHJESlzxYJWmOOVMoJ', '2020-03-20 16:05:19', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(742, 'Lacerxa', '200.00', 'Paypal', ' ', 'ytgX31VWXZ0ryu5AwCETqn3ct', '2020-03-20 16:05:28', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(743, 'Samarah', '237.00', 'Paypal', ' ', 'TrIhMh2lGHuaL9JKSzAfjuTJv', '2020-03-20 16:05:58', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(744, 'Beka_ferian', '500.00', 'Paypal', '', 'h5hGyGnrKNHCyS4uxfHlvxnVU', '2020-03-20 16:12:51', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(745, 'yurelo', '359.00', 'Paypal', '', 'ys0wwAHNZ2L6czfLepw18OObk', '2020-03-20 16:29:06', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(746, 'fulllgamesatendores', '345.00', 'Paypal', '', 'FFUsNQvjf6pL0xGhjhRTisnX4', '2020-03-20 16:43:45', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(747, 'Portero07', '281.00', 'Paypal', '', 'r3GSbwJSvOniCkjdEQOKDxuY5', '2020-03-20 16:47:57', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(748, 'hyrous', '341.00', 'Paypal', ' ', '4aVyH9jHaUmJPHwOCDEvgo5pz', '2020-03-20 17:05:20', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(749, 'Jhonatafelipeyt', '350.00', 'Paypal', '', 'qSoqxIavYhwGp0A2PiZ4ySkm3', '2020-03-20 17:05:48', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(750, '55181732', '259.00', 'Mailed Check', 'Rua Jayme fingerman 01', 'vBFa8yiRK7rQLv2KpDw7wgtmP', '2020-03-20 17:23:49', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(751, 'Ericleiton', '400.00', 'Paypal', '', 'uVtYlEmDK2gsK01fwa9miYT20', '2020-03-20 17:57:03', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 1),
(752, 'Marllon', '273.00', 'Paypal', '', 'bFL4Oq0GPCj8o0giqhBKu3JRN', '2020-03-20 18:01:37', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),
(753, 'Marialeticia8676', '403.00', 'Paypal', '', 'TRkKN3F5q7HJVEnfr1FPF26PP', '2020-03-20 18:06:50', '2020-04-18 22:00:00', 0),​
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