India's Natural Healthy Chemical-Free Family Database Dump Leaked Download!

Official Datasets India's Natural Healthy Chemical-Free Family Database Dump Leaked Download! Dump Date: 2023


Salutations, Leaked Databases Community.

I've just made the India's Natural Healthy Database available for download.
Thanks for any comment, and have fun!

India's Natural Healthy Chemical-Free Family site had a data breach 3,835 customer emails, passwords, addresses, and phone numbers were discovered in the breach. Employee's name, home location, phone number, and more The breach occurred on February 20, 2023. SQL Database was compromised and made public online.


Amount: 3k lines
File Formatting: SQL File (.sql)

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `password`, `remember_token`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `deleted_at`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `mpin`, `photo`, `whoami`, `status`, `access_token`, `fbaccesstoken`, `googleaccesstoken`, `google2fa_secret`, `registration_type`, `fbaccessaccesstoken`, `is_googleauthenticated`, `deviceid`, `user_device_token`, `device_type`, `deviceapnstoken`, `phoneno`, `ismobileverified`, `nexmo_code`, `gender`, `dob`, `user_parent_type`, `user_parent_id`, `user_parent_branch`, `expire_status`, `isinviteavailed`, `order_preference`, `image_preference`, `version`, `is_first_login`, `enable_chat_access`) VALUES​

(769, '', '', '$2y$10$ntJ6yRvb3EN7cC6I.LWsEO17CtP/SmiVb8t8wr1pFiFxpFuX6Af1m', NULL, '2017-07-01 00:58:42', '2017-07-01 00:58:42', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Jonathan ', 'Ornelas ', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'general', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919514548499', 0, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '', 0, 0),
(770, '', '', '$2y$10$AsGCErJFm8tJGvHGL049pOIonO7sAVDuvi1k9bmR6S64MJcQFu02y', NULL, '2017-07-11 14:19:02', '2017-07-11 14:20:36', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'vishalini', 'vishal', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919600778943', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(771, '', '', '$2y$10$6xBS3M5zT650y4y3v9Gls.F6/NQEuvQqAHbEqbKh2foI//Sy.YFE2', NULL, '2017-07-11 16:07:14', '2017-07-11 16:07:14', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Ayush', 'Nathany', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919804229311', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '', 0, 0),
(772, '', '', '$2y$10$wb2JIUL.tjcrezKB16ppB.hNmdwXsapfARBKiX2X2XqXKB64n2zNi', NULL, '2017-07-17 12:06:00', '2017-07-17 12:07:08', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Aju', 'Salam', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919789112138', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(773, '', '', '$2y$10$CcNEG4ewmOQRTPZZmw3cje6P4nnK4Cw23AJBLI0N.xFyt/utUUZLe', NULL, '2017-07-18 09:50:51', '2017-07-18 10:14:41', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Balaji', 'Puthiran', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '918940022606', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(774, '', '', '$2y$10$4BFOl/7zAN.GeZEji4oetebPEJ0HzBvXXfupBTIlgD8oXj6FpnuTG', NULL, '2017-07-18 11:19:59', '2017-07-18 11:27:46', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Deliver', 'Me', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919943280543', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(775, '', '', '$2y$10$uF7vwCPAA88476neLg8pPOmPRbwSEeNSaIEilsELRB52/KqYgFXWy', NULL, '2017-07-18 11:32:02', '2017-07-18 11:33:04', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Manikandan', 'Murugesh', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919943677405', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(776, '', '', '$2y$10$//gGJ.nsFeFci9xnCqAypelJmGL70GGPa/J21drC1sQEU/Oz6tTeK', NULL, '2017-07-18 11:53:36', '2017-07-18 11:55:11', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'b.shakthi', 'vignesh', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919600363425', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(777, '', '', '$2y$10$IBMoqAeC.bdAZFlkMyijvemepXZ2qP9r9fzgn7OA8h7Sv54ppoQOi', NULL, '2017-07-18 12:04:37', '2017-07-18 12:10:48', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Chandran', 'R', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919600327414', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(778, '', '', '$2y$10$Y0wlXAdRx2vWTY.G/QbLGu8Sg7cmOZ0.8CIoxbLOFtg/f8w5iOPcu', NULL, '2017-07-18 12:16:44', '2017-07-18 12:16:44', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Anitha', 'Maria', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '', 0, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '', 0, 0),
(779, '', '', '$2y$10$QV2eoJD0njm4t287sRociushQj1o17eyUSB/klFvShp6WMoVF7q.e', NULL, '2017-07-19 21:27:05', '2017-07-19 21:28:48', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Deepthi', 'P', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '918197878255', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(780, '', '', '$2y$10$UGC5YSHwSTrYRGtLZmPKQunY6u3o/kt6of3.mJJfqWYmEfUwSa9.O', NULL, '2017-07-20 11:19:42', '2017-07-23 00:56:24', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Abdul', 'Hussen', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'google', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '918220121510', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),
(781, '', '', '$2y$10$HwKARluCR5cChOUNl2qkLuQbamcvBqGqIIKVDh0ceojh.JV4G7nwC', NULL, '2017-07-23 11:24:16', '2017-07-23 11:24:16', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Hp', 'Hp', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'general', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '919884236666', 0, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '', 0, 0),
(782, '', '', '$2y$10$J1O531rSmhVSCNtj4MipCu/BM0giGEPOMK5GiW9bfqqwtp4lTcSoG', NULL, '2017-07-26 21:11:04', '2017-07-26 21:11:04', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Sandhya', 'John', '', '', 5, 1, '', 'EAAO0jZA7hKfEBAIzZASRdaJYgENEqxCxsnsSZAyrjCgqUfE7cTX1Y8ZAZCHPzSDUaJpldzKm4rGHynItPIF5iPG0kzFyzMaqZC5iZAjds4AYWVsppVoHgHW4TzFZBQzINKXKsanqj0aPj1Rd4lXv5NyvYcoCLDGA4cPONG5IMiZBSmLF9HoqRdZCPEkvdMPbXZBeQoFGopgZBZAWBHPCh2ZA5zUgb0csirajxDaH4ZD', '', '', 'facebook', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '', 0, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '', 0, 0),
(783, '', '', '$2y$10$MdJQinfZ6KGRLZtd.PPIqOjPJkL8Yrko7FD0u3SqktuOrEabxNHJC', NULL, '2017-08-01 11:37:28', '2017-08-01 11:37:28', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Tony', 'Marino', '', NULL, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'general', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '912163243400', 0, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '', 0, 0),
(784, '', '', '$2y$10$3dweShxC8atfrANM8o3LxOPYxE3MB4gOH6d4xU9PgL5gP3yir4VOm', NULL, '2017-08-02 00:00:25', '2017-08-02 00:01:25', '2020-08-18 00:00:00', 'Shibi', 'Ramachandran', '', '', 5, 1, '', 'EAAO0jZA7hKfEBAMZBEyX6y9FQhU0kNDhTbVue91MDzp6uwwN1PzwYXg6Oq6FEuEOxHfGChEdB68AWwU5jfVdeaJmjAZBCBzhZCU2jiAYpAv7aI79GPkXcTPYJGnLRPiZBpd5beq2Qse9VKKz57wkKRP8xK6hrjmYdiwZC5s8XgRcKM9XbEER8zYMT18hpgenMZD', '', '', 'facebook', '', 0, '', '', 'android', '', '918883717128', 1, '', '', NULL, 'Customer', 0, '', 0, 0, 'cancel_item', '', '1.1.3', 0, 0),​
First release
Last update
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