Security Incident Serasa Experian Data Breach of 223 Million Users Detected!

Compromised Data
CPF Numbers, Full names, Genders, Dates of birth
Compromised Total Users
223 Million
Data Breach Date

Data Breach Details Discussion

Serasa Experian Data Breach of 223 Million Users Detected!
Data from the credit analysis company Serasa Experian was exposed online at the end of 2020. CPF numbers, complete names, genders, and dates of birth were all exposed. 223 million users were impacted in all. The initial poster of the file was a hacker by the name of JBR.

Sample of database content:
CPF|Nome Completo|Sexo / Genero|Data de Nascimento
00000000272|Gherson Dywyno Esphyndola|M - Masculino|31/03/1966
00000000353|Paulo Ribeiro|M - Masculino|03/08/1942
00000000434|Jorge da Silveira|M - Masculino|04/04/1933
00000000515|Filomeno Gutierres Iglecia|M - Masculino|05/07/1910
00000000604|Simone Portella Goulart Meletti|F - Feminino|15/10/1969
00000000787|Aparecida de Mendonca Alves|F - Feminino|07/07/1939
00000000868|Adilson Cardoso|M - Masculino|21/07/1973
00000000949|Silvio Cassimiro da Silva|M - Masculino|24/06/1963
00000001082|Uilan Enzweiler|I - Intersexo|05/02/1982


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